This post's for you, Jay Bybee.
Four gay men describe their experiences with Mormon conversion therapy:
Legacies - Part 1
Legacies - Part 2
Legacies - Part 3
Electric shock.
Basement laboratories.
Intravenous drug injection.
Because this torture had long since been discontinued
by the time of his 2007 commencement speech at BYU,
Dick Cheney missed the chance to personally convey
his admiration for the program and its techniques.
Meet the Mormons.
Speaking of Cheney and BYU, this looks interesting: The BYU 25 (2009)
© 2008 Mormon Aversion, Inc. All rights reserved.

I went to BYU and was also expelled from BYU. I was raised mormon and am no longer with the church. My sister graduated from BYU in 2007 and I was there for the dick cheney commencement speech- I am proud to say i kept my ipod earphones tightly wedged in my ears for the duration of said speech. But I do have something to share about an experience of therapy at BYU if you care to hear about it- you can email me-
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