Transitory Psychosis: The debate that Yes on 1 doesn't want you to see!

If you're in the mood to spare 45 minutes to follow a recent debate about marriage equality, here you go.

Somehow, the director of the MCLU got paired with an eccentric curmudgeon in a debate about Question One. If you've not got the time to watch the entire sequence, I'd suggest clips #3 and #7. This John Frary character is a hoot. Did the Yes on 1 campaign approve John's participation in this debate? And is the Yes on 1 campaign now willing to concede the wisdom of conducting pre-debate field sobriety tests?

Warning: Things get really weird after the second clip.

Nothing much to see in this intro:Shenna's opening remarks:

Welcome to Professor Frary's world: Shenna takes John's bluster in stride:

Paul Mills does his darndest to keep John on topic: Shenna talks theological underpinnings of equality:

No whimpering for John, he goes out with a bang:

John Frary's closing argument:
Further discussion is not necessary. Events resolve the issue one way or the other.
Oh my.

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    News and views on NOM, marriage equality and the Mormon church from a former LDS missionary. This site is not affiliated with The National Organization for Marriage or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. © Copyright 2009 by Chino Blanco. All Rights Reserved.

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