Comments are now closed at the original post, so we’re opening up a fresh comment thread over at Main Street Plaza.
Serious kudos to The Millennial Star and John Fowles for taking on this topic in this M* guest post:
Harry Reid fireside canceled because of politics
IMHO, it's a pitch-perfect response to this outrageous situation, and ought to be re-posted far and wide, at official sites such as the LDS Newsroom Blog as well as on every member's Facebook page and family blog.
J. Stapley at By Common Consent: Heber J. Grant on politics
Independent American News: Our Victory Over Harry Reid Confirmed!
The Salt Lake Tribune: Rolly: Only Republican testimonies in Vegas?
KUTV Utah 2News: Senator Reid Cancels LDS Appearence
USU Shaft: Senator Harry Reid shunned by fellow Mormons
The Mormon Left: The Unhealthy Mingling of Politics in Mormonism
Daily Kos: “If I see Harry Reid in the temple, I’m going to hit him.”
Extra reading: Enough with the Emails from Mormon McVeigh Wannabes, Famous Dead Mormons: Timothy McVeigh
Extraneous: And the Tea Party circus rolls into Provo, Utah:
Seen and heard:
"In Memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives and our children." - Captain Moroni
"Anybody here want to be a socialist?"
"If we don't win, that's it for human rights on planet Earth."