... KSL strives to be a family-friendly web site, so please keep the language clean when you add your comments. We reserve the right to accept or reject any message. Thanks.But 385 comments later, dozens of hateful, sickening messages have been accepted and posted under this story. Where are the moderators? They are no doubt Mormon. Do they not understand the disservice they're doing their LDS-owned employer by giving free rein to homophobia and hate at KSL.com? Sad.
Here's the story: SLC one of many cities signing on for national kiss-in
If you can spare a moment, head over, register, and leave a comment of your own.
It now seems more obvious than ever why this particular action needs to happen: The Great Nationwide Kiss-In
Update: Good for KSL.com, they've begun deleting some comments.

P.S. Memo to LDS Public Affairs: You're the problem, not the solution.
P.P.S. A random righteous rant.
P.P.P.S. All charges have been dropped.