Note the $166K paid to Common Sense America, a 501(c)(4) chaired by NOM's executive director, Brian Brown.
Common Sense America's address is listed as a PO Box in this Form 990. An online search quickly turns up a familiar street address:
20 Nassau St, Princeton, New Jersey.
Download NOM's 2007 Form 990 from Scribd
Update: NOM's 2008 return is now available here.
Some background on the activities of Common Sense America in New Jersey in 2007: here.
To date, [Common Sense America] has not disclosed their Board of Directors, how they are funded, or how they are spending their financial resources ...Hmmmm.
Now I'm all keen to do a side-by-side comparison of CSA's and NOM's 2007 returns.
But until CSA's return from that year becomes available, the $166K listed in NOM's return raises more questions than it answers.
If you haven't already, please be sure to check out Justin McLachlan's two latest entries.
Meanwhile, Matt Algren flags another discrepancy.
Oh, and just for fun, follow this link: ...
It's a contact form for Common Sense America on a page titled "The National Organization for Marriage" with site design courtesy of someone from The Manhattan Institute.
And add to the list of sites that share the same admin/tech email contact:
Wow, they're keeping Lisa Webb pretty busy over there.
Sheesh, how did I forget about this photo?
With apologies to Tolkien fans ...
Brian Brown is the Lord of the (NOM) Rings.
One office door to rule them all:

Photo Credit: Danielle Truszkovsky
• National Organization for Marriage
• Marriage PAC NJ
• Common Sense America
• Common Sense PAC NJ
ATTN Post Office: Please deliver mail to all these organizations here, 20 Nassau Street, Suite 242, Princeton, NJ 08542
ATTN Brian Brown: Please keep your Common Sense America tax returns handy, thanks!!