Stand for Marriage Rally
East Steps, Capitol (Albany, NY)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Participants at Tuesday’s rally encouraged state senators to vote “no” on same-sex marriage legislation.
The rally began at 10:30 AM and featured speakers:
• New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D – Bronx)
• Mr. Michael Long, Chairman, New York State Conservative Party
• Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council
• Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr., Executive Director, High Impact Leadership Coalition
• Maggie Gallagher, President, National Organization for Marriage
• Bishop Joseph Mattera, Presiding Bishop of Christ Covenant Coalition
• Rev. George Grace, Senior Pastor, First Bible Baptist Church, Rochester
• Rev. Duane Motley, Executive Director, New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms
• Other pro-family leaders and state legislators
It was HUGE!!! Take a look:
A huge flop.
The bigot brigade is claiming 2,000 turned out.
It was hundreds.
Not to mention that Maggie/NOM and Tony/FRC had both issued PR's announcing a press conference to be held after the rally, and then ... nada, crickets, nothing more than the brief snippet of Duane Motley speaking that ran on a single local newscast. Pathetic.
Be sure to check out this worthy report from Blabbeando.
Learn how you can support the effort to achieve marriage equality in New York at MarriageNY.com.
Further resources at Empire State Pride Agenda's marriage site.
Hey...CHINO....I was there at the rally. I do not perceive that it was a "huge flop". Those who support traditional marriage are hard working, honest, dedicated, morally upright Citizens and have jobs that they actually have to work at. I know that I personally collected, about 5000 signed petitions, letters, and notes to our senators asking them to stand for traditional marriage and to vote NO against the same sex marriage bill. 5000 letters, notes, petitions from my little small town of 5000 people. Homosexuality is still "queer" and is not morally acceptable.Neither is same sex marriage.
5,000 letters/notes/petitions from a town of 5,000 people ... Wow! 100% Now that's impressive, Tim.
So, by the way, how many people are you saying actually showed up in Albany yesterday?
Wow, petitioning minors...now that's small town politics at it's finest.
I suppose it could be a retirement community of 5,000...hence no minor signatures would be required.
Oh, and those who support equal rights and marriage between two consenting adults are hard working, honest, dedicated, morally upright citizens and have jobs that they actually have to work at.
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