Total Contributions from Mormon Church Members Now Total $20 Million
The secret $1 million donor to Prop 8 has been revealed: Alan Ashton, of Lindon, Utah.
According to the Deseret News, Ashton is a Mormon and grandson of David O. McKay, President of the Mormon Church from 1951-1970. Ashton made his fortune in software.
The donation was reported by the Prop 8 campaign on October 28.
The funds were in the form of matching funds to air a TV commercial that includes images of children who are being aired over the objection of their parents.
According to the Prop 8 Web site:
“One of our most fervent supporters has agreed to match, dollar for dollar, whatever you and others can donate, up to a total of $1 million. That means every dollar you give will buy two dollars in advertising time.”
According to the ABC affiliate in Salt Lake City, Utah, Mormon donations as of October 27, 2008, were an estimated $19 million. The Ashton contribution therefore brings total Mormon donations to Prop 8 to an astonishing $20 million.
“The Mormon Church deserves the same respect as all religions,” said NO on Prop 8 Executive Committee Member Geoff Kors. “But it is wrong for the Mormons to push their view of marriage on every Californian through the ballot box.”
I've seen a few postings on LDS blogs that they plan to distribute YES ON 8 literature to kids TOMORROW ON HALLOWEEN.
They claim they want to isolate and insulate kids, and now millions of California kids will be returning home to ask mom and dad about "sodomy" or whatever propaganda the mormons plan to distribute. I'm working on a response to this that I'm hoping I can get to "go viral" tonight. Moms are pretty good about spreading Halloween horror stories via email.
I'm also amused at how many "YES ON 8" folks have their Halloween plans on their blogs and webpages. Apparently, glorifying satan is A-OK, but allowing your neighbors to live in peace even if you disagree with them isn't. Some "religion!"
On the other hand, I hope they do.
I know how turned off I'd be if my kids came home with political literature like that in their trick-or-treat bags.
So, more power to both you and the Mormons on this one.
There's now a webpage to direct people to about this danger! http://itsoktovoteno.com/scare.html
People ask me "Isn't it wrong to directly attack a Church?" This is a big discussion in my synagogue.
My answer:
Any Church that has
1. Claimed to have converted my murdered relatives. (I found my great-uncle's name on a list of posthumously-baptized Nazi victims)
2. Tries to legislate away a religious practice I believe in (same-sex unions) on RELIGIOUS principles...
has lost its legitimacy
I have absolutely no problem working with other faiths who have beliefs that are very different from my own: Buddhists, Hindus, etc. I work on several interfaith projects to provide for the needy with Christians.
None of these Churches I work with has tried to outlaw anything I believe in, or laid claim to my deceased relatives--except the Mormons.
I visited the death camps in Poland a few months ago. The thought of some other faith thinking it's OK to distort the lessons learned is disgusting.
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