The GOP consulting firm Schubert Flint Public Affairs is led by Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint, who also co-manage the Yes on 8 campaign.
The firm has announced an Open House to be held this Thursday, August 14th from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm to celebrate the opening of their new Irvine office:

If you are able to get over to Irvine this Thursday evening, I've prepared a flyer that you can download, print out and take with you to distribute to visitors to the 2020 Main Bldg: Schubert Flint Protest Flyer Download (PDF)

You can find a map to the building here: 2020 Main St. Map

This is a golden opportunity to interact with the principals, staff and clients of the leading PR firm behind the latest effort to ban gay marriage in California.
If you live in Orange County, oppose Proposition 8, and can afford to donate three hours of your time this week, I invite you to spend those three hours this Thursday evening in front of 2020 Main in Irvine.
If you're interested in participating, please leave your comments below. Thanks!
Previous diaries related to Prop 8 and Schubert Flint below ...
Mormons enter Calif. marriage fight TPMCafé
An invitation to show up or walk out on June 29th Daily Kos * OpenLeft * TPMCafé
Meet Rameumptom, Inc: Schubert-Flint Daily Kos * OpenLeft * Pam's House Blend * Booman Tribune * TPMCafé
The Prop 8 ATM: A Christmas Carol Daily Kos * OpenLeft * Pam's House Blend * Booman Tribune * TPMCafé
Googling Gay Marriage: Putting a Fork in Prop 8 Daily Kos * MyDD * OpenLeft * Pam's House Blend * Booman Tribune * TPMCafé
Feeling the spirit of political rules Daily Kos * MyDD * OpenLeft * Pam's House Blend * Booman Tribune * TPMCafé
Is Jesus pleased? Daily Kos * MyDD * OpenLeft * Pam's House Blend * Booman Tribune * TPMCafé
Hypocrisy and gay marriage Daily Kos * MyDD * OpenLeft * Pam's House Blend * Booman Tribune * TPMCafé
"Yes on 8" Open House: RSVP or Rally? Daily Kos * MyDD * OpenLeft * Pam's House Blend * TPMCafé * Talk to Action * calitics
And don't forget to bring your digital camera or camera phone with you to 2020 Main on Thursday. We're looking forward to seeing some photos of the action!
Irvine Free Speech Ordinance ...
Sec. 4-14-601. Prohibitions.
No person shall interfere with the exercise of free speech rights by persons within areas open to the general public in shopping centers, apartment complexes and other private or public property open to the general public. As used in this section, "free speech rights" shall mean the right to freedom of speech, the right to solicit and collect signatures on petitions and the right to distribute literature or display temporary signs or placards of a political nature; provided such activities do not result in the obstruction of entrances, exits or passageways or create a threat to public safety.
(Code 1976, § IV.L-601; Ord. No. 90-3, § 1, 2-13-90)
FYI, I work in 2020 Main, and the parking attendants leave by 6:30 everyday, so those attending that night do not need to worry about paying for parking if they stay past 6:30.
Chino, just read your comment on JMG. I'm on the ECCO Board of Directors ( and sent this info out to other board members. (I'm in NY so can't attend.) If you'd like to be added to our mailing list for Voter Guides, send me an email at
Chino -- I published your comment but I would like to give it a little more exposure by posting an "Action Alert" on my blog ( about your planned demo. I have a couple of questions but, unfortunately, I couldn't find an email address or any other kind of contact info for you.
Please contact me at as soon as possible so I can get this posted ASAP.
Thanks for the info.
chino like steve above I posted an action alert on my blog but would like to include an email or number for people to contact you. feel free to swing by my blog and leave it as a comment, thanks.
Chino - just posted your update info - thanks. I wish I were back in CA (I lived there for about 15 years), I would LOVE to go to this!
Steve - I hear ya' - I'm so wishing I was still local.
Anyway, wanna know what really makes you a hero?
Vern sent me his telephone number as 714-235-VERN (obviously he assumed I'd have a clue about how to translate VERN into actual digits).
After popping over to your blog, lo and behold, you've spared me the trouble and provided the missing digits:
Vern's number is 714-235-8376.
You rock!
ah, this post answers my question about your real leanings. way to go!
terrierchica - I'm confused - who is your post directed to and what are you referring to?
Hey Steve,
What are you guys doing commenting on this old thread? I need your help over on the new one!
Hi There Chino...
I'm posting here because after you linked me to your site I get emails whenever anyone puts up a new post.
I was curious about who and what the last poster was referring to...
I'll go back to your home page and check out what you need help on.
BTW - we can use some major help here in AZ on our anti-gay marriage amendment fight - everyone is donating huge amounts to California but the most that's been raised here is $8,000. What's wrong with this picture? (I just found this out myself from a posting at
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